Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I have taken a sick - week =-(

I hate the flu!  First it struck little Meelie and took her out for a few days and then it decided to rear it's head on me and take a turn.  I haven't been able to eat, rest or exercise properly and it has made me sad.  I didn't realize how much I enjoyed taking better care of myself!  I have to work on my own mental health to keep from depression too.

I have been having some anxiety about running on my road lately!  Since I ran into that skunk I have been on high alert.  Now I heard there is a bear in our area.  Sheesh!  I hope that day never comes.  Now I am wondering if I need to run with a bear bell LOL!!!!  I have been thinking about getting on my bike too.  I miss exercising!

So pretty much everything has been on hold, including cleaning =-(  I got some of it done today but now I am resting.  Sorry about the lack of blogging - I will try to make more frequent check ins!

Take care every one!!!!!!

Happy Half Birthday Little Roo!!!!!

5 Awesomes!!!
-Being healthy!
-Getting better - you never knew how awesome it was to feel good until you have felt bad!
-Ginger ale
-Sleeping in
-Understanding husband and children

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


When ever I think about running, I think about how Forrest Gump ran and ran and ran just cause he felt like running.  That is how I feel.  It has always been in my heart to run and now I am finally doing it!  It hasn't been easy, holy smokes, but I am loving it and I love how I feel.  The first time out was so hard and it was 30 seconds at a time.  Now I am up to the 5 minute at a time mark.  Something inside of me just tosses me forward each step.  What I try to do is think about something else other than what I am doing.  I also tell myself not only that I can do it - but that I AM doing it.  I love getting my heart rate up too!!!  At first I was running to prove to others that I could....then I started doing it to prove it to myself.  Some of the music that I listen to is perfect too!  It talks about showing people that you can do it....sometimes I find myself screaming the music as I run.  Luckily I am not even close to running into anyone!!!  Unless you count turtles, cows and skunks.

I started the paint job!!!  It looks amazing.  I can't wait to see the final project.  I have three weeks to get it done before the family reunion being held here.  I love how it changed the entire look of the entry way and livingroom.  I will post photos as soon as I am done.

Little Roo is almost 6 months old!  She laughs, chews her toes, has two teeth and sits up.  Crazy what happens in half a year!!!!!

-day tripping
-potato salad with dill - OMG my Mom makes the best!
-late night swims
-sleeping IN!!!!!!
-summer holidays

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Painting is easy when you don't know how, but very difficult when you do. ~Edgar Degas

We have lived in our new house since October 2010.  So far we have painted two bedrooms, front entry way and the kitchen.  We have an open concept so you can see all the colors and therefore they sorta have to jive with each other.  At our last house we went with a lot of darker, bold colors.  At this house since it is so open we are leaning towards more lighter and airy colors.  The palate that exists already here is mainly earth tones.  With the exception of the girls rooms (Pink and Purple) we are going with the same idea when we update.  I have some color samples that I am looking at in all different lights so that I know 100% they are the colors we want.  It is a HUGE job so I want to be sure!!!  And it is going to take me such a long time.  I will do my best to post photos along the way.  I am sure it will be a summer project as I want to paint furniture too!!!

Today's baking:
Frozen cookies - you know the ones!!  From Country Traditions - the cranberry white chocolate ones.  I love being able to get out just a few at a time to cook up for play dates, school lunches or dinners.  I may take it to a different level and actually do up my own frozen cookies.  Matt's wonderful Aunt made the suggestion.  She makes them up ahead - freezes them on a cookie sheet and then puts them in a ziploc bag. Then you know what goes into them!!

Homemade Granola Bars from Kaycee's blog.  I was missing the key yummy ingredient that literally pulls it all together - sweetened condensed milk.  I found a GREAT substitute that is yummy. The last many times I made these they haven't made their way into a container.  Just on a plate to cool and then to our mouths.  That is my goal this time - freeze some!!!!

The majority of our garden is planted (YAY!!!)  We can't wait to enjoy some fresh lettuce, peppers, tomatoes and peas!  Another garden will be planted SOON.

We are heading for a playdate today at Amelia's BFF's house.  We get together pretty much weekly and have a great time.  The girls play great together and we both have babies.  Her youngest is one year but we can tell she and Ruby will have a great time together!!!

-a good nights sleep when you have a baby!!
-finding JUST the right paint color.
-Jelly Belly's ON SALE!!! (why do they have to be so expensive)
-pretty table cloths - I love when you find one that jumps right off the shelf and says "take me home to your table!"
-homegrown veggies - it is like you can taste the hard work!

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Red Cup...

Since I started running 3 weeks ago I have always taken the same route.  Every time I am out I see a red cup someone has just tossed to the side of the road.  You know the red cup - the staple beer cup at a party.  I am hopeful that it was a pop cup for the person who tossed it out the window.  Every time I would see the cup I would think "I am going to grab that on my way back" but I was never able to find it.  Today - I found it on my way back!!  So the red cup is now in my recycle bin.  Are people that impatient that they can't wait until they get home to discard of their garbage?  I have a garbage bag in my car and that is where my trash goes until I get home - if you are reading this I hope you do the same!!!!

I got new shoes today!!  They are awesome.  I took them out for a run today and it was confirmed that I need to take a break.  I have hurt my knee and it needs time to heal.  My goal is a week off and I will re-evaluate.  I plan to take walks instead and that way I can take my girls with me and that opens up my availability.  I am leaving it at that and doing my best not to beat myself up!

This weekend is busy for us!  I will take time to catch up blogging next week.  Have a great weekend all!!

I have so many great photos like this of my girls!!!

My AWESOME list!
-Jelly Bellys - when you find that perfect blend!!
-New Socks - a treat for the feet
-Fingerprints - reminders kids live here!
-Cool evening breeze 
-Ruby's new Peppa baby doll from Go Green Baby

She LOVES this baby already!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

to realize the value of 4 days - ask a runner who took 4 days off!

Life has been busy - sorry for the lapse in posts.  My family has been busy with - well, life in general.  Most evenings (when I normally blog) are spent outside until it is bedtime.  We have a lovely porch and I like to sit out there to see how long I can stand the bugs!  With the power being out, Relay for Life and late night visits - I not only missed blogging, but running.  So out I went tonight in the spitting rain.  I am a hurting woman.  Never again!!!!

My run today had me reflecting on things.  I was feeling bad for having not made the time for myself to run.  I have been successful at loosing weight so I was reflecting on how much I love food.  I am addicted to food.  I LOVE the taste of food.  I look forward to eating and enjoying the fruits of my labour.  This is why lately I have struggled with how to make things, like salad, still taste wonderful.  My salads always consist of fruits, nuts and cheese along with the other veggies.  I only use an oil/vinegar dressing.  I was eating salad late one evening and felt like I was being naughty...but it was ALL good for me!!!  Today I was buying groceries and realized just how much I love cookies!!!  So tonight I made my own from scratch.  My new tactic is to leave out only a VERY small few - usually one per person and one for Grace's lunch....then I freeze the rest.  It has been working so far!!  At night I take out the next days servings so I have to decide in the morning when I will have that yummy treat....and I don't eat 6 of them!!!

Today was a GREAT coupon day for me!  I bought a case of disposable diapers that were $8 off and I had a $2 off coupon.  So $14!  I had a coupon for FREE Triscuts, FREE frozen yogurt and had some other manufacturers coupons.  AWESOME!!!

I have decided to change my grateful list to my AWESOME list:

-FREE groceries
-Running in the rain
-Picking daisies in the rain
-The smell of my house after fresh baked chocolate chip cookies

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It is amazing how much can change in a week

I started the C25K one week ago - and have run 3 times since!!!  The first time I ran it was extremely intense.  Who knew running for 60 seconds would be so hard?!  It was a 30 min pep talk.  Then as day 3 came along I was saying "Wow, this is getting easier!!!".  And eating even better came with it.  I am not counting calories but I am cutting back on a few things, eliminating things all together and focusing on drinking lots of water.  It has been an amazing week.  I went to the doctor today to follow up on my blood work and everything was perfect.  I feel so much more energy already.  And I have lost 3 lbs!!!!!!

We are planning our garden!!!  This week we break ground.  It will be later than we should have but we have been so busy and the rain hasn't been our friend.  Matt has been reading a fantastic book from my parents called Mini Farming and he has learned so much about what to plant when and with what.  We plan to have laying hens as well so we will have fresh eggs.  I think that project will be next year.

This is a busy week with a few appointments.  I had a Doctors appointment, Grace has her hearing test tomorrow and Thursday I get my eyes checked.  Then Friday is the 2011 Relay for Life at the NDSS track.  I am not part of the team but more of the cheering section.  The team is called "Yes you can Sir" and the team members have names involving Sir.  Matt's is Sir-Mountable hehe!!!!  We always have a great time and there are always very moving moments.  We are really looking forward to attending again.

We discovered an amazing new treat at the grocery store.  Mini personal pizza shells!  They are soooo yummy and only $2.89 from No Frills.  I have made them (or should I say dressed them) twice this week.  I soften cream cheese, add pesto and then use that as the sauce.  Then I dress them up with delish veggies and top with shredded cheese.  They are super delish and easy and the girls love them!!!!!

My greatful list:
-the book of AWESOME
-fresh herbs (started my garden this week)
-Ruby saying "Mum mum mum"
-my nephew Tyler - who is 17 today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I had my spirit stomped on a little today...

I went to see my GP to have a prescription renewed and ask him about some bruising I have been having.  We talked about some blood work and he suggested it could be from the trauma my body experienced when giving birth last time.  I bruise easily ever since!!!

So I am planning to start the Couch to 5k running program.  I am excited to get started!  I wanted to check in with him to see if he has any words of wisdom.  I explained how I have been really struggling with loosing weight.  I am eating well but not able to exercise as much as I would like.  He said to me "Have you considered gastric bypass".  I was stunned!!!!  Anyone who I see on TV for those procedures the people are 500 pounds.  I was mortified.  It really stomped on my spirit.  Now I am hell bent to loose weight.  I know I should have a "realistic" goal.  But honestly I want to loose 70-80lbs.  My best friend just lost 100 and is running marathons!  I want to do it too!!!!  So off I go tomorrow - I will let you know how it goes.

Dinner tonight was quick and easy!  Fresh tortellini with alfredo sauce and salad.  In  the salad was mixed greens, mushrooms, celery, cranberries, sunflower seeds and a dressing I made with olive oil and white wine vinegar.  I topped with shredded parm cheese.  It was delish.  I am now on a hunt for more salad recipes!!!  I like different flavours mixed together.

I am really loving smoothies lately too and they are really healthy and filling.  I used yogurt, milk, flax meal and frozen fruit.  It is SOOOOOO good!!!!  Sometimes I add a banana and some fresh fruit too.  I am hoping to add these to my diet regularly.

I need to prove to myself AND to all the people who don't think I can do it!!!!  Tomorrow is my first (and hopefully final) attempt at this....wish me luck!!!