Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I have taken a sick - week =-(

I hate the flu!  First it struck little Meelie and took her out for a few days and then it decided to rear it's head on me and take a turn.  I haven't been able to eat, rest or exercise properly and it has made me sad.  I didn't realize how much I enjoyed taking better care of myself!  I have to work on my own mental health to keep from depression too.

I have been having some anxiety about running on my road lately!  Since I ran into that skunk I have been on high alert.  Now I heard there is a bear in our area.  Sheesh!  I hope that day never comes.  Now I am wondering if I need to run with a bear bell LOL!!!!  I have been thinking about getting on my bike too.  I miss exercising!

So pretty much everything has been on hold, including cleaning =-(  I got some of it done today but now I am resting.  Sorry about the lack of blogging - I will try to make more frequent check ins!

Take care every one!!!!!!

Happy Half Birthday Little Roo!!!!!

5 Awesomes!!!
-Being healthy!
-Getting better - you never knew how awesome it was to feel good until you have felt bad!
-Ginger ale
-Sleeping in
-Understanding husband and children

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


When ever I think about running, I think about how Forrest Gump ran and ran and ran just cause he felt like running.  That is how I feel.  It has always been in my heart to run and now I am finally doing it!  It hasn't been easy, holy smokes, but I am loving it and I love how I feel.  The first time out was so hard and it was 30 seconds at a time.  Now I am up to the 5 minute at a time mark.  Something inside of me just tosses me forward each step.  What I try to do is think about something else other than what I am doing.  I also tell myself not only that I can do it - but that I AM doing it.  I love getting my heart rate up too!!!  At first I was running to prove to others that I could....then I started doing it to prove it to myself.  Some of the music that I listen to is perfect too!  It talks about showing people that you can do it....sometimes I find myself screaming the music as I run.  Luckily I am not even close to running into anyone!!!  Unless you count turtles, cows and skunks.

I started the paint job!!!  It looks amazing.  I can't wait to see the final project.  I have three weeks to get it done before the family reunion being held here.  I love how it changed the entire look of the entry way and livingroom.  I will post photos as soon as I am done.

Little Roo is almost 6 months old!  She laughs, chews her toes, has two teeth and sits up.  Crazy what happens in half a year!!!!!

-day tripping
-potato salad with dill - OMG my Mom makes the best!
-late night swims
-sleeping IN!!!!!!
-summer holidays