Friday, June 17, 2011

The Red Cup...

Since I started running 3 weeks ago I have always taken the same route.  Every time I am out I see a red cup someone has just tossed to the side of the road.  You know the red cup - the staple beer cup at a party.  I am hopeful that it was a pop cup for the person who tossed it out the window.  Every time I would see the cup I would think "I am going to grab that on my way back" but I was never able to find it.  Today - I found it on my way back!!  So the red cup is now in my recycle bin.  Are people that impatient that they can't wait until they get home to discard of their garbage?  I have a garbage bag in my car and that is where my trash goes until I get home - if you are reading this I hope you do the same!!!!

I got new shoes today!!  They are awesome.  I took them out for a run today and it was confirmed that I need to take a break.  I have hurt my knee and it needs time to heal.  My goal is a week off and I will re-evaluate.  I plan to take walks instead and that way I can take my girls with me and that opens up my availability.  I am leaving it at that and doing my best not to beat myself up!

This weekend is busy for us!  I will take time to catch up blogging next week.  Have a great weekend all!!

I have so many great photos like this of my girls!!!

My AWESOME list!
-Jelly Bellys - when you find that perfect blend!!
-New Socks - a treat for the feet
-Fingerprints - reminders kids live here!
-Cool evening breeze 
-Ruby's new Peppa baby doll from Go Green Baby

She LOVES this baby already!!!

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